Chinese Company financial situation information
It's not common for Chinese company to disclose their financials so in most cases this section would list the possible fields as “unpublished”. The main reason for this is that it’s not a mandatory requirement unless it’s a listed company in a stock market. Possible fields are: Total Assets, Total Income, Total Main Activities Income, Total Tax Paid, Total Equity, Total Profit, Net Profit, Total Liabilities.
This information is equivalent to an Annual Accounts or Financial Statement filing in other countries
China company search annual report financial statement sample
Social Security Information
Although the number of employees is usually not published in the cover section, it’s possible to obtain an estimation by looking at the number of employees with retirement insurance. This section lists the amount of employees with Basic Retirement Insurance, Basic Employee Medical Insurance, Maternity Insurance, Unemployment insurance and Occupational accidents insurance.
China company search annual report social security information sample
There are other possible fields related to company salaries and payments but these are rarely disclosed. These fields are grouped in three groups: Company payment base, Amount paid in the current period and Company payment base (retirement and unemployment)
Company payment base, payment base of retirement insurance, payment base of unemployment insurance, payment base of basic medical insurance, payment base of maternity insurance,
Amount paid in the current period, Amount paid in the current period of retirement insurance
Amount paid in the current period of unemployment insurance
Amount paid in the current period of medical insurance
Amount paid in the current period of occupational accidentes insurance
Amount paid in the current period of maternity insurance
Company payment base
Accumulated amount paid of retirement insurance
Accumulated amount paid of unemployment insurance
External guarantee information etc...
Types of debt owed to creditor
Amount of debt
Repayment terms of debt
Guarantee period
Form of guarantee
Equity variation information